Open |
06/26/1997 18:23 |
Pretoria (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Bright, arc-white light observed moving fromWSW to ENE at high speed. Altitude roughly500 metres (1500 feet). Distance at start ofsight |
06/27/1997 |
Open |
06/06/1998 19:30 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Oval |
Myself and my wife were returning home when we spotted a craft which we thought was a aircraft.Both of us were hesitant to mention to o |
07/01/1998 |
Open |
08/12/1999 00:00 |
Natal Province (S. Africa, east coast) |
South Africa |
Disk |
saw bright disc in sky which performed manouvers |
08/17/1999 |
Open |
09/28/1999 20:30 |
Seaview (Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
Saw 2 lights, like car headlights about 200meters in the sky, just hovering, a red light on one side of "wing" and a green light on the |
09/29/1999 |
Open |
10/23/1999 02:00 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
What can only be described as a comet with multiple light sources (at least three - one large at front and one to the left of the front |
10/22/1999 |
Open |
11/22/1999 19:30 |
Messina (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Unknown |
I was looking at the stars and strangly I was looking at a specific star, when it suddently dissapear. The star did shine brightly, it |
12/14/1999 |
Open |
11/13/1999 15:15 |
Estcourt (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Rectangle |
The day was beautiful not a cloud in the sky, I was playing in a golf tournament and at about 15:15h I happened to look up into the sky |
12/21/1999 |
Open |
04/02/1999 21:00 |
Port Elizabeth (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
i saw a huge mothership consisting of three levels i had enough time to observe this spectacular ship. i kept quite because nobody will |
02/12/2000 |
Open |
04/20/1983 00:30 |
Colesburg (Cape Provence) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Fireball |
In late April 1983 a friend and I were travelling from Cape Town to Johannesburg.In the early hours of the morning we were in the Karoo |
04/23/2000 |
Open |
04/27/2000 12:20 |
Pretoria (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Sphere |
Was playing golf, saw white glowing object in the sky manoevering rapidly. Object was very high, almost in line with cirrus clouds as i |
05/03/2000 |
Open |
04/19/1996 21:00 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Fast moving lights on ocean horizon |
06/17/2000 |
Open |
07/12/1998 19:00 |
Albert Falls Dam/Reserve Ntl (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
mimicry of torchlight flashes by light in sky |
06/17/2000 |
Open |
09/17/1993 21:00 |
Bloemfontein(OFS) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
Bloemfontein Sighting |
10/09/2000 |
Open |
09/12/2000 20:10 |
Brits (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Abnormal UFO Light |
11/11/2000 |
Open |
01/20/2001 22:30 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Triangle |
bright arrow shape lights over Cape Town South Africa |
01/20/2001 |
Open |
01/22/2001 21:00 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Fireball |
While walking through the bushes and keeping an eye out for lions we saw a number of fiery objects flw slowly through the sky not far f |
03/14/2001 |
Open |
04/02/2001 02:00 |
Secunda (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
Ufo sightings in South Africa at Secunda (Sasol = South African Coal and Oil Industry) |
04/15/2001 |
Open |
04/15/2001 00:00 |
East London (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Photograph of who knows what! Your Guess is as good as mine. |
04/28/2001 |
Open |
05/06/2001 04:00 |
Amanzimtoti (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
Disc-shaped object. Bright light. Extreme speed. |
05/12/2001 |
Open |
01/04/1976 05:30 |
Simonstown (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Cigar |
unlike anything i had ever seen |
06/23/2001 |
Open |
07/05/2001 19:05 |
Stellenbosch (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
08/23/2001 |
Open |
10/23/2001 21:30 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Triangle |
lightning craft |
11/17/2001 |
Open |
08/27/1999 22:30 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Fireball |
orange ball |
11/17/2001 |
Open |
10/27/2001 23:00 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
comman disk |
11/17/2001 |
Open |
11/21/2001 21:52 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
There was an object that looked exactly like a star but it was moving to fast to be a satelite and to slow for a falling star ! |
11/22/2001 |
Open |
12/16/2001 11:45 |
Loeriesfontein (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
Interesting photo |
12/21/2001 |
Open |
02/03/2002 03:45 |
Randburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Unknown |
Horizintal green light beams shining from within small clouds -attracted by search lights from local town Randburg,Jhb ,South Africa |
02/05/2002 |
Open |
03/28/1992 20:00 |
Roshnee (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
tell me what happened to me ? |
06/13/2002 |
Open |
07/05/2002 20:40 |
Worcester (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Formation |
Three bright lights traveling like a shooting star. |
07/09/2002 |
Open |
07/30/2002 21:05 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Diamond |
Diamond |
07/30/2002 |
Open |
09/20/2002 18:07 |
Pretoria (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
Ufo spotted near ongoing airshow at millitary base Waterkloof, Pretoria, South Africa |
09/22/2002 |
Open |
12/09/2002 22:00 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
I have seen a UFO in a movie (video). This will sound strange but I really did.
The movie is called Made Man with Timothy Dalton. In |
12/09/2002 |
Open |
12/27/2002 02:00 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
12/27/2002 |
Open |
01/03/2003 02:14 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Extreme bright light that moved very slow and then dissappeared |
01/03/2003 |
Open |
01/07/2003 22:54 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
huge white ball of light moving westerly to easterly in seconds over great distance while moving erratically up down sideways changing |
01/07/2003 |
Open |
01/01/2003 20:42 |
Port Elizabeth (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Circle |
the craft followed a satelite from south westerly direction towards the south easterly direction crossing the path off the satelite fou |
01/09/2003 |
Open |
01/10/2003 22:54 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
ufo's travel in formation of orion for three hours disguising themselves as stars |
02/17/2003 |
Open |
03/13/2003 09:00 |
Pietermaritzburg (closest city) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
Stationary light hovering at great altitude during daylight hours and then accelerating to great speed in a westerly direction. |
03/13/2003 |
Open |
03/28/2003 20:20 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Star like object, 45o on the horizon, grew from dot like dimensions to roughly twice the size of planet Jupiter at its brighest. It the |
04/07/2003 |
Open |
12/16/2000 22:30 |
Johannesburg (near) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Triangle |
Triangular craft in South African skies. |
04/09/2003 |
Open |
05/01/2003 19:00 |
Albert Falls (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Sphere |
Sphere like object captured on photograph |
05/19/2003 |
Open |
06/07/2003 20:10 |
Pretoria (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Bright light that did zigzags and did two 'playfull' summersaults |
06/10/2003 |
Open |
10/17/2003 16:54 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Sphere |
Round sphere speeding along a horizontal path |
10/20/2003 |
Open |
09/21/2003 23:00 |
Paarl (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Oval |
UFO flew above us in a "S" shape and flew away at high speed |
10/21/2003 |
Open |
04/18/2000 18:00 |
Randfontein (Gauteng) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
11/04/2003 |
Open |
01/27/2004 22:30 |
Trichardt (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Circle |
i saw a U.F.O |
01/27/2004 |
Open |
01/28/2004 22:00 |
Capetown (CPT) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
flying disc streaking across the sky (in outerspace) in South Africa at almost the speed of light. |
01/31/2004 |
Open |
02/02/2004 22:30 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
I saw a bright orange "ball" hovering and moving short distances at speed |
02/03/2004 |
Open |
03/02/2004 19:00 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Cigar |
i am an alien that is what they said to me ((NUFORC Note: Student report. PD)) |
03/06/2004 |
Open |
03/10/2004 22:54 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Rectangle |
standing out side my back door, when two rectangle shaped crafts hovered over a field across the side of my house for about two minutes |
03/12/2004 |
Open |
04/12/2004 21:30 |
Citrusdal (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Triangle |
HBCCUFO CANADIAN REPORT: A triangle shaped craft. |
04/12/2004 |
Open |
05/06/2004 19:25 |
Goedehoop,Strand (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Fireball |
Hi Myself and the kids spotted something which we can only describe as an UFO last night. What happened was this : We live in Goedeho |
05/07/2004 |
Open |
06/26/2004 04:30 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
At about 4am i was seated out in the balcony when i noticed the ufo. It at first seemed like a large star. i contineud observing it. It |
06/27/2004 |
Open |
06/27/2004 04:00 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Circle |
See COAST TO COAST AM for July 2 (interesting headlines) and link to Durban Daily News web edition. Story was page 1 in Durban Daily N |
07/02/2004 |
Open |
12/31/2004 23:00 |
Centurion (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Sphere |
sphere balls in sky |
01/05/2005 |
Open |
01/28/2005 21:04 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Formation |
5 objects in a straight line ,but very bright in color |
01/29/2005 |
Open |
01/28/2005 19:30 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Lights in formation flying over Mount Edgecombe South Africa |
02/04/2005 |
Open |
04/30/1982 18:55 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Cylinder |
The above date is a guess but it was reported to the Johannesburg Star who reported that there were other witnesses in rearby suburbs. |
03/03/2005 |
Open |
04/09/2005 11:00 |
Port Elizabeth (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Sphere |
blue light swiched on under water and a blue sphere rised up hang above the water level 2 or 3 feet above the surfice then slowly moved |
04/10/2005 |
Open ! |
06/26/1972 10:00 |
Fort Beaufort (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Egg |
Police officers fire shots at UFO in South Africa |
10/08/2005 |
Open |
03/30/2006 23:01 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Teardrop |
large teardrop shaped, white crafts |
03/31/2006 |
Open |
04/28/2006 00:15 |
Theunisen (South Africa) |
SA |
South Africa |
Circle |
object flash lights and move at fast speed |
05/09/2006 |
Open |
05/22/2006 06:06 |
Port Shepstine (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Unknown |
Splash in ocean, UFO hovers, smoke clouds... |
05/25/2006 |
Open |
07/10/2006 19:18 |
Vierfontein (South Africa) |
AL |
South Africa |
Unknown |
Seen a colorfull flashing UFO. |
07/10/2006 |
Open |
11/21/2002 13:00 |
George (Republic of South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Sharp fast moving bright objects seen in daylight |
09/06/2006 |
Open |
09/17/2006 19:13 |
Boksburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Two lights diagonal from each other traveling across the night sky |
09/17/2006 |
Open |
01/01/2007 04:33 |
Ellisras (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Unknown |
Alleged UFO crash in Ellisras South Africa |
01/11/2007 |
Open |
02/19/2007 21:14 |
Vereeniging (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Circle |
Slow low flying sauser in South Africa. |
02/19/2007 |
Open |
12/12/1972 15:00 |
Port Elizabeth (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Unknown |
02/21/2007 |
Open |
11/12/2007 21:00 |
East London (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Oval |
While having a ciggy, I saw a UFO move quietly over my home.....was about 5m above the tree-tops...... |
11/13/2007 |
Open |
12/25/2007 16:10 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
Strange object in the sky. |
12/28/2007 |
Open |
07/30/1976 20:00 |
South Africa |
AR |
South Africa |
Oval |
Three pilot crews from 3 different airlines observed and confirmed seeing an unidentified flying object. |
02/27/2008 |
Open |
03/11/2008 21:45 |
Noordhoek, Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Other |
Abrupt course correction |
03/12/2008 |
Open |
03/31/2008 06:00 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
2 Lights Pass Moon |
03/30/2008 |
Open |
06/21/2008 20:00 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Possible UFO sighting with cigar shaped lights and large football shaped body with 2 witnesses and a picture. |
06/23/2008 |
Open |
06/30/1969 19:25 |
Durban (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Changing |
1969 Durban sighting |
04/01/2009 |
Open |
05/17/2009 11:30 |
Kempton Park (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
2 disc shaped objects captured in aircraft photo |
05/18/2009 |
Open |
05/29/2009 21:25 |
Hartebeespoort (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Diamond |
object bright orange lift from mountains at an alarming speed |
05/29/2009 |
Open |
11/20/2001 14:00 |
George (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Circle |
Silver objects moving across the sky in South Africa, George |
08/20/2009 |
Open |
10/18/2009 22:00 |
Bloemfontein (Free State) |
South Africa |
Circle |
I reside in the USA. My brother called me from South Africa trying to find out how he can report what he saw in the sky. It was a a cle |
10/18/2009 |
Open |
10/18/2009 20:45 |
Senekal (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Pulsating, bright light with light waves |
10/18/2009 |
Open |
10/18/2009 19:45 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Circle |
2 very faint, circular, transparent, moving halos seen in Johannesburg, South Africa on a clear evening. |
10/18/2009 |
Open |
10/18/2009 22:00 |
Mossel Bay (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Circle |
These crafts move from direction Cape town...Mossel bay...George etc.
All reported by my dauther to observatory in Cape town.
Ref |
10/20/2009 |
Open |
10/20/2009 00:15 |
Kiimberley (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Unknown |
no lights no sound only portion of ojectt seen |
10/21/2009 |
Open |
11/19/2009 21:40 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Flash |
Two unidentifiable flashing light, relatively stationary, observed in sky at approximately 21:40, and stayed there for 40 mins. |
11/19/2009 |
Open |
11/22/2009 22:55 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Fireball |
Massive fireball turns night in to day in Johannesburg |
11/24/2009 |
Open |
02/17/2010 13:20 |
East London (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
Missiles? |
02/19/2010 |
Open |
04/21/2010 19:30 |
St. Helena Bay (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
04/21/2010 very bright white light without any sound, vanished after 10 to 15 seconds |
04/22/2010 |
Open |
04/30/2009 18:15 |
Edenvale (Johannesburg) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Changing |
this was not a meteor . I hope others saw it too. |
04/30/2010 |
Open |
03/03/2010 21:45 |
Cape Town (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Fireball |
From a star to a huge bright orange light to dropping and landing in the sea. |
08/05/2010 |
Open |
08/21/2010 20:55 |
Pretoria (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
12 Red\orange lights in sky? |
08/23/2010 |
Open |
10/03/2010 19:50 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Formation |
3 red lights form triangular shape - just hovering in the air. |
10/04/2010 |
Open |
03/09/2010 07:55 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Disk |
C etait un matin avec une espece d etrange brouillard qui etait localise a un point precis de la ville: Aux alentours de Mandela Bridge |
10/15/2010 |
Open |
11/04/2010 20:45 |
Johannesburg (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Oval |
Bright light in seen south of johannesburg south africa |
11/05/2010 |
Open |
11/19/2010 20:30 |
Randburg (Johannesburg) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Unknown |
occurred round-about 20:30 to 22:00 i looked into the clear sky , and notice a large single bright light heading towards me (not for me |
11/20/2010 |
Open |
12/24/2010 22:20 |
Pretoria (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Sphere |
4 burning objects moving in irregular fashion before fading away above Pretoria, South Africa |
12/24/2010 |
Open |
06/01/1985 20:00 |
East London (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Sphere |
The sphere looked as if it was going to hit the house! |
12/29/2010 |
Open |
12/29/2010 12:16 |
Madeira (Pretoria) (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Oval |
Sighting of a unidentified craft hovering over Madeira Harbor, Photo's taken from live webcam. ((NUFORC Note: Water on lens. PD)) |
12/31/2010 |
Open |
12/25/2010 22:14 |
Vanderbijlpark (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Triangle |
Brownish Colour with 2 lights |
01/05/2011 |
Open |
01/30/2011 21:30 |
Umkomaas (South Africa) |
South Africa |
Light |
01/30/2011 |