NUFORC UFO Sighting 25206

Occurred: 2002-09-20 18:07 Local
Reported: 2002-09-22 06:27 Pacific
Duration: approx 20 seconds

Location: Pretoria (South Africa), , South Africa

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Ufo spotted near ongoing airshow at millitary base Waterkloof, Pretoria, South Africa

A silver disk shaped craft hanging absolutely still at an angle of approx 35 degrees, and at altitude approx 2000 ft.Shiny silver at the bottom reflecting the morning sun, and a dull silver grey on top. Shot of to the right gaining altitude rapidly and disappeared. The next day, same craft, same behaviour and locality. This time witnessed by my friend Sandy. Time approx 11h15. A peculiarity about this craft is that since the 19th there was a airshow on at a nearby airforce bace where sophisticated aircraft were on display. No, this was not a aircraft, it made no sound, smoke or vapour trails. I am not aware of any man made plane with the ability to perform that sort of manouverability.

Posted 2002-09-28

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