Open |
01/06/1995 17:30 |
Glendo |
WY |
Mother and son witness large, glowing craft maneuver and descend into cloud. Pursued by mil. aircraft. |
01/07/1995 |
Open |
04/28/1996 01:00 |
Mile 69 |
WY |
Women driving truck on Hwy 80 sees obj. "w/ bright nose, no wings" flare up, go behind mountain. |
04/28/1996 |
Open |
07/15/1956 00:00 |
Yellowstone Park (near South entrance) |
WY |
Disk |
Three year old boy witnesses from back the seat of a car the approach of three flying disks. |
07/04/1997 |
Open |
10/05/1997 19:00 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Other |
Seen a object in clear sky.looked like commet coming from south to north.lost tail half way across sky |
12/28/1997 |
Open |
03/21/1998 20:00 |
Ten Sleep (outside of) |
WY |
Disk |
Going down the road I came up to a turn with a Sub station off to the left the UFO hovering above the sub station with a light fog arou |
04/12/1998 |
Open |
05/02/1998 20:30 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Unknown |
The object moved n northwest roughly following a passanger jet it was lower than the jet it made no sound had no lights it seemed to re |
05/05/1998 |
Open |
09/24/1998 00:15 |
Sheridan (10 miles South of, at the Sheridan Pipeline) |
WY |
Other |
It looked like a star at first but since when do stars move in an octagon motion i went inside to get my bill of lading and came back o |
09/24/1998 |
Open |
06/29/1994 23:00 |
Dull Center (near Bill) (north of Douglas) |
WY |
Light |
Lights in shape of "radio tower" flew north |
09/18/1998 |
Open |
09/26/1998 03:05 |
Rock Springs |
WY |
Fireball |
Was driving and saw a greenish/blue fireball looking object, travelling west to east. |
09/26/1998 |
Open |
09/05/1998 22:30 |
Medicine Bow Natl. Forest (40 mi. W of Laramie) |
WY |
Triangle |
Large Triangular Craft moving North of Laramie, WY. The object, which might have been about ten miles away, was size of a full moon. |
09/29/1998 |
Open |
09/02/1998 00:30 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Light |
Light traveled from horizon to horizon in six seconds. Flashed at ending horizon. |
11/04/1998 |
Open |
09/04/1998 15:00 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Cigar |
Saw two silver objects flying over Cheyenne. Performed odd maneuvers. Thought nothing of it until I got into the city & saw an AF copte |
11/04/1998 |
Open |
04/04/1998 09:00 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Sphere |
Seen on highway on back of Military flatbed w/"black" helicopter escort(1), 4 black Humvee's(black uniforms W/M16's inside). Object und |
12/22/1998 |
Open |
07/20/1958 21:30 |
Rock Springs |
WY |
Disk |
Friend & I retuned home from movie. We lived on a hill that over looked the desert. I looked out to the s.w. and saw this object and i |
03/12/1999 |
Open |
06/20/1999 23:00 |
Laramie (25 miles north of) |
WY |
one group of three to the west followed by one directley overhead all moving very rapidley to the north blue/green behind clouds |
07/06/1999 |
Open |
08/15/1999 23:18 |
Rawlins (39 miles west of) |
WY |
Fireball |
a fireball went straight down behind mtns. and ended in a bright flash. |
08/19/1999 |
Open |
07/03/1999 21:45 |
Medicine Bow National Mountains, Medicine Bow National Fores |
WY |
Flash |
What I thought was a satellite passing overhead burst into a flash of purple light. (See full description.) |
09/10/1999 |
Open |
08/13/1999 21:50 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Triangle |
From the N.E, to the SW., at 9:50 pm., a reddish orange cloud surronding it., with sparkles inside the cloud., but you clearly could se |
09/12/1999 |
Open |
09/17/1999 21:55 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Unknown |
Seen an oject west of town at hotel it refected city lights with brown golden color moving west fast with no lights no sound and no vis |
09/17/1999 |
Open |
10/04/1999 17:25 |
Gillette |
WY |
Other |
At 5:20 P.M. my wife and I were taken our 10 year old to football practice. We were going east on 14-16 when I saw this craft flying fr |
10/04/1999 |
Open |
09/11/1999 20:00 |
Casper |
WY |
Triangle |
Saw 1 UFO far off making shapes, another UFO snuck up on me from the same direction. Flew close to me and turned East. I ran |
11/11/1999 |
Open |
06/07/1987 21:00 |
Jackson Hole (Moran State Park) |
WY |
Light |
Security personnel and park rangers observed along with park staff which I belonged to at Jackson Lake Lodge. Observed a light we thou |
11/17/1999 |
Open |
11/23/1999 22:30 |
Casper |
WY |
Sphere |
My wife and I witnessed a craft hovering over the city of Casper, Wyoming. The craft hovered for a few moments then sped off to the Sou |
12/04/1999 |
Open |
01/06/2000 05:45 |
Rock Spings, 2miles west of |
WY |
Unknown |
Driving truck along I-80 west when i noticed the truck that had just passed me swirve from the outside lain to the inside lain then bac |
01/14/2000 |
Open |
07/01/1999 23:00 |
Green River |
WY |
Other |
Rare occurence of lights from the home of close encounters(the movie) |
02/08/2000 |
Open |
11/12/1998 02:25 |
Casper |
WY |
Triangle |
back oObserved a boomerang shaped object travelling roughly S to N at 2:18 a.m. looking toward the east. The object was pale, luminous |
03/19/2000 |
Open |
06/19/2000 13:00 |
Rawlins |
WY |
Disk |
Brown saucer-shaped object with dome on top flying beneath low cloud cover |
06/19/2000 |
Open |
09/15/1985 23:00 |
Green River (No. of) |
WY |
Light |
I saw unexplainable lights in the same area & the same time frame that livestock was being mutilated. |
07/24/2000 |
Open |
10/09/2000 18:45 |
Border |
WY |
Teardrop |
We saw a big, bright, white teardrop that seemed to rotate/shift its light and a second object seemed to split from this one. |
10/17/2000 |
Open |
01/08/2001 18:30 |
Gillette |
WY |
Changing |
Bright light follows me. |
01/09/2001 |
Open |
01/11/2001 21:50 |
Dubois |
WY |
Fireball |
Bright , fast falling light |
01/11/2001 |
Open |
06/22/2000 21:00 |
Pine Haven |
WY |
Egg |
The object was not a airplane, or star, if anything it was some NASA satalite or a UFO |
01/21/2001 |
Open |
08/13/2000 20:00 |
Big Horn Mtns |
WY |
Fireball |
Bright light that divided, disappeared then repeated several times. |
02/19/2001 |
Open |
03/06/2001 19:00 |
Gillette |
WY |
Triangle |
On march 6th 2001. I was in the foothills area of Gillette Wyoming. I looked to the sky and saw a blue light gliding across the sky to |
03/12/2001 |
Open |
07/01/1999 22:30 |
Buffalo |
WY |
Cylinder |
Small, clear, blinking object seen in northern Wyoming |
04/06/2001 |
Open |
04/25/2001 22:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Light |
Three pinpoints of light flying in unison, then making extremely fast erratic movements, before flying in unison again. |
04/27/2001 |
Open |
08/17/2001 22:30 |
Rock River |
WY |
Fireball |
Blinding Flash and then extreme velocity vertical takeoff of object. |
08/20/2001 |
Open |
08/17/2001 22:30 |
Rock River |
WY |
Fireball |
object went vertical |
08/23/2001 |
Open |
08/17/2001 20:30 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Other |
Looked like the sun or moon. |
08/24/2001 |
Open |
02/07/2001 10:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Light |
Light seen, Laramie, WY looking North |
08/24/2001 |
Open |
08/17/2001 22:20 |
Rawlins |
WY |
Extremely bright light falling almost straight down in western sky -white tail and appeared to explode orange to red - was VERY bright. |
08/31/2001 |
Open |
09/04/2001 12:30 |
Hawk Springs |
WY |
Triangle |
The shape in the C.R.P.Field is a shape of a iron,and the press grass and the squares are of a heavy object that was burn in the field |
09/05/2001 |
Open |
08/17/2001 22:30 |
Laramie |
WY |
Fireball |
Fireball ascends straight up in air, and comes right back down in same location. |
09/10/2001 |
Open |
10/24/2001 23:00 |
Evanston |
WY |
Oval |
observed a oblong green glassy object starting at 2300 hrs on 10-24-01 while driving through wyoming untill 0400 10-25-01 seemed to mis |
10/28/2001 |
Open |
10/28/2001 21:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Fireball |
I saw a bright very bright light apear in the sky it held possition for about 20 sec. than bolted off and disapeared the same thing hap |
10/29/2001 |
Open |
11/15/2001 21:10 |
Clark |
WY |
Light |
I have been seeing a bright light for years in the same area of sky, it is brighter than a plane slower than a plane it lasts about 10 |
11/20/2001 |
Open |
06/04/1993 21:55 |
Mammoth Hot Springs |
WY |
Chevron |
big yellow lights in yellow stone natioal park 6-4-93 |
11/30/2001 |
Open |
08/17/2001 22:19 |
Dubois |
WY |
Triangle |
Large fireball and lots of triangular shaped objects flying with irratic and jittery patterns, together and apart. |
11/30/2001 |
Open |
06/23/2000 08:00 |
Pinedale |
WY |
Diamond |
Flying Manta Ray with short tail near Pinedale,WY |
01/04/2002 |
Open |
01/31/1999 19:30 |
Riverton |
WY |
Fireball |
We were driving westbound on Hwy between Riverton and Fort Washakie at 1930 hours. Sky was clear and cold with a full moon behind us j |
01/18/2002 |
Open |
02/09/2002 20:30 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Fireball |
Bright ball of light shoots toward ground in Southeastern Wyoming. |
02/14/2002 |
Open |
04/04/2002 19:45 |
Laramie |
WY |
Changing |
A cluster of approximately 15 lights appeared and fanned out into a V shape while appearing to fly overhead. |
04/04/2002 |
Open |
04/29/2002 21:30 |
Evanston |
WY |
Sphere |
For many months myself and others have seen silver lighted spheres moving intelligently over city. |
04/30/2002 |
Open |
04/30/2002 20:15 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Egg |
The EggBeamer! |
04/30/2002 |
Open |
06/07/2002 00:30 |
Rock Springs |
WY |
Light |
These three objects of luminating light were just suspended in mid air, then gone. |
06/08/2002 |
Open |
06/15/1994 23:45 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Light |
Star like object over F. E. Warren AFB, WY |
08/13/2002 |
Open |
09/06/2002 20:30 |
Gillette |
WY |
Fireball |
Neon green flying object seen over Gillette, Wyoming |
09/06/2002 |
Open |
09/06/2002 21:00 |
Sheridan |
WY |
Oval |
blue-green bright oval was spotted 20 miles south of Sheridan, WY descending to earth |
09/07/2002 |
Open |
09/15/2002 22:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Sphere |
2 oval lights in sky northeast of town. flying around, hovering, steadily growing dimmer. |
09/16/2002 |
Open |
09/06/2002 21:00 |
Baggs |
WY |
Oval |
blue florecent oval with a red long tail,saw it out of a window,went from the west to the east at high rate of speed,went into a cloud |
09/16/2002 |
Open |
04/20/1983 00:00 |
Wyoming (various towns) |
WY |
Other |
Wheatland-Douglas 1983 CattleMutilations UFO's seen. |
09/21/2002 |
Open |
09/28/2002 18:30 |
Fort Bridger |
WY |
Disk |
Saw very bright green light in western sky. |
09/30/2002 |
Open |
10/06/2002 19:25 |
Lander |
WY |
Circle |
a green circular light appeared and then darted behind the mountains |
10/06/2002 |
Open |
07/03/1951 12:00 |
Green River |
WY |
Sphere |
Glowing white spherical large craft (50 to 100 ft dia) travels across mountain range near Green River, Wyo |
10/15/2002 |
Open |
11/28/2002 18:30 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Fireball |
Fireball seen in night sky near Cheyenne WY Thanksgiving evening |
12/02/2002 |
Open |
09/15/1999 00:00 |
Egg Harbor |
WY |
a bright colorful object over the lake,it would break apart into many lights,then back together again and stayed in one spot |
12/30/2002 |
Open |
01/08/2003 20:15 |
Rock Springs |
WY |
Light |
It was like an airport becon that was rotating with red, green, and white lights. |
01/10/2003 |
Open |
06/17/2003 22:42 |
Worland |
WY |
Light |
The object was a dim point of light that grew to a brightness of twice what Venus would be and then disappeared & lasted ~ 15 seconds. |
06/17/2003 |
Open |
07/17/2003 23:30 |
Jackson |
WY |
Light |
One very bright light for 8 seconds above the horizon then 2 smaller lights that moved very close to us and we saw 4 seperate times |
07/24/2003 |
Open |
10/15/2001 03:00 |
Chugwater |
WY |
Light |
F.E. Warren AFB Wyoming sightings |
09/07/2003 |
Open |
09/29/2003 20:35 |
Yellowstone National Park |
WY |
Sphere |
Saw a 6" red ball flying from south to north about 3' off the ground on US 20 in Yellowstone National Park on September 29, 2003. |
10/14/2003 |
Open |
01/17/1989 20:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Other |
Silent lighted craft flies over house, witness later discovers body marks. |
10/27/2003 |
Open |
01/19/1989 20:15 |
Laramie |
WY |
Disk |
Witness is lured out of house, silent craft glides overhead, more body marks are discovered. |
10/27/2003 |
Open |
07/01/2001 11:50 |
Laramie |
WY |
Other |
Blood-red cloud splits in two and rains onto ground. |
10/29/2003 |
Open |
05/10/1993 13:00 |
Laramie (south of) |
WY |
Formation |
Formation of Tremonton-like "daylight disks" in Wyoming |
10/30/2003 |
Open |
06/17/1993 15:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Unknown |
Artificial pulsating sound heard, no craft seen. |
10/30/2003 |
Open |
08/23/1993 19:56 |
Laramie (east of) |
WY |
Changing |
Cloud-like object at extreme range changes shape. |
10/30/2003 |
Open |
10/15/2002 18:00 |
Bosler |
WY |
Unknown |
Women pass through Bosler, Wyoming twice without turning around. |
10/30/2003 |
Open |
07/15/2002 15:00 |
Rock River (southeast of) |
WY |
Oval |
Carrier retrieves two small craft southeast of Rock River, Wyoming. |
10/30/2003 |
Open |
08/15/1994 00:00 |
Rock River |
WY |
Disk |
Revolving lights seen in clouds south of Rock River, Wyoming. |
10/30/2003 |
Open |
07/01/1989 14:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Other |
Small dark speck paces airliner, seen from ground. |
11/01/2003 |
Open |
10/03/2003 20:51 |
Clark |
WY |
Light |
Clark, WY. object or Light heading S.W. at 20:51 hours |
11/01/2003 |
Open |
11/01/2003 00:00 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Fireball |
A huge fireball east of Cheyenne Wyoming |
12/20/2003 |
Open |
02/16/2004 11:30 |
Lander |
WY |
Diamond |
8 Sided diamond, (I think that is a tetrahedron), just appeared or we just noticed it after it appeared. It hovered high above the moun |
02/18/2004 |
Open |
02/14/2004 22:25 |
Casper |
WY |
Triangle |
4 triangular orange and red lighted in casper, wyoming |
02/24/2004 |
Open |
03/19/2004 23:15 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Other |
Green Streaking Object |
03/19/2004 |
Open |
09/19/2003 14:00 |
na |
WY |
Teardrop |
Odd craft seen in the sky in Wyoming |
04/14/2004 |
Open |
03/16/2003 11:00 |
Jackson Hole |
WY |
Chevron |
Delta shaped object in Jackson Hole |
04/14/2004 |
Open |
06/30/1967 03:00 |
Lander |
WY |
Light |
They were just lights, but very curious lights at that. |
05/02/2004 |
Open |
04/30/2004 04:30 |
Casper |
WY |
Cylinder |
On the paper route two cylinder shaped craft with brights lights in the center, preformed sparatic movements in the sky. |
05/05/2004 |
Open |
04/15/1966 23:00 |
Francis E Warren AFB |
WY |
UFO sightings , 1966, Francis E Warren AFB, Wyoming |
06/04/2004 |
Open |
06/24/1992 22:00 |
Laramie |
WY |
Orb |
Odd intelligent seeming lights seen during a UFO conference in Laramie, WY. |
06/05/2004 |
Open |
06/05/2004 16:00 |
Hanna |
WY |
Circle |
bright light in day time with what apperaed dashes around it |
06/09/2004 |
Open |
07/12/1967 02:00 |
Wyoming (rural) |
WY |
Cigar |
My father was an over the road truck driver. I was just a young boy. When he returned from his week long run he told my mom he had seen |
09/06/2004 |
Open |
10/28/2004 02:00 |
Sheridan |
WY |
Light |
Object flying over the tree line at the Big Horn Mountains south of Sheridan Wyoming |
01/07/2005 |
Open |
02/23/2005 14:00 |
Casper |
WY |
Light |
Bright object observed and photographed |
02/23/2005 |
Open |
06/15/1984 20:30 |
Wheeling |
WY |
Unknown |
UFO sighting at twilight over Wheeling, WV |
02/24/2005 |
Open |
06/02/1985 23:30 |
Old Faithful |
WY |
Unknown |
Dark object sighted over Old Faithful |
03/20/2005 |
Open |
08/22/1997 23:30 |
Atlantic City |
WY |
Light |
bright shiny red globe moving slow but able to change direction quickly |
03/26/2005 |
Open |
05/19/2005 18:45 |
Cheyenne |
WY |
Oval |
At 6:45 a silver light object came into view N. of Cheyenne,WY.It had no vapor trail moving at jet speed,but turning on a dime. |
05/19/2005 |