NUFORC UFO Sighting 20620

Occurred: 2001-08-17 22:19 Local
Reported: 2001-11-30 22:36 Pacific
Duration: 32 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Dubois, WY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo

Large fireball and lots of triangular shaped objects flying with irratic and jittery patterns, together and apart.

We all had just finished working and went outside to lay in the whirlpool. We started by seeing lots of triangular shapes objects darting about in very irratic paterns. They did not fly smooth or straight at all. Then at about 4 different points in time we saw them go into patterns like geese would do, then criss cross, then go straight down, then straight up and get back into a V pattern then they would sometimes go up and totally disappear, or go down or side ways and totally disappear. They flew in very crooked irratic lines and very, very fast. Sometimes they would slow down. Then all of a sudden after about 22 minutes we saw a huge fire ball that was extremely large and bright orange and red that appeared to shoot straight up and back down with a thin white tail. We continued to see a few more traingular shapes moving irratically then all of a sudden nothing at all..Sometimes it almost seemed as if the small ones were flying off of a real large object and flying around and then coming back. They were also flying pretty low. There was an article the next day in the paper there, that said the observeratory had seen the same thing we did and also the students at the college in Laramie, Wyoming. It had stated that if anyone else had seen these lights to call you, but no-one at the newspaper office could let us know where. So we just came across you on here and that is why we are reporting it now. I tryed to get them captured on my video camara, but I guess it was to dark.

Posted 2001-12-05

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