NUFORC UFO Sighting 5233
Occurred: 1998-04-04 09:00 LocalReported: 1998-12-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Cheyenne, WY, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Seen on highway on back of Military flatbed w/"black" helicopter escort(1), 4 black Humvee's(black uniforms W/M16's inside). Object under tarp
A traveling co-worker of mine described this strange site to me. First, He noticed the "black" Huey w/ no markings on it very low to the ground a little ways off the highway. Then, on the Highway Just behind it, was a convoy of two(2) Humvees w/soldiers(?) in all black uniforms w/m-16's traveling just ahead of a tractor trailer flatbed. On this flatbed was an object covered by a tarp, which was flapping in the wind. Enough so that from his vantage point, He could see a round object with "winglets" sticking out off of the side of it. These He estimated to be about four (4)ft.long. Length or dia. was estimated at 8-9 ft. Metallic in color. Truck was followed by two(2) more Humvees of same Description as front two. A ways back (mile?)there were several County Sheriffs in Chevy Suburbans traveling in same direction. This all took place near Cheyenne Mountain on a desolate Highway on a cold,clear morning. Direction of convoy was either Northerly or Eastern.*NOTE* This event took place the same weekend as Mass UFO sightings were reported over northern Colorado according to MUFON CO. State Section Director on Art Bell's Radio Show.
The author of this report indicates that the alleged sighting occurred near Cheyenne Mountain near Cheyenne, Wyoming. Cheyenne Mountain is located at Petersen AFB near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Since the information is a second hand report, there may be some confusion on the part of the author.
Posted 1999-02-16
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