NUFORC Sighting 176724

Occurred: 2023-06-30 19:25 Local
Reported: 2023-07-12 12:40 Pacific
Duration: 3 hours
No of observers: 4

Location: Highmore, SD, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Bright white disk

Sky was clear and blue so it stood out ...I looked up and seen a Bright white spot in the sky and we watched it for about an hour before getting the Binoculars out to look at it....We tried to take a pic of it but it just showed a white disk in a blue sky... looking through the Binoculars you could see it looked almost like a it had a dark lin across it and it was white in the center with pink on the top and green on the bottom...I think this was from the reflection on the sun on never moved from the spot it was at in the sky so from 7:25 -10:45 it was still in the same place in the sky...I waited till the sun started to go down to see if the sun would move off of it and it did about 10:20 it stated to fade away and the sun was off of it and you couldn't see it with the naked eye so I looked back with the Binoculars and you could still see it but it was not white was a Giant Round Ring and it was not in our atmosphere it was in space...there was a passenger plane flying under it and a star was to it 1:00 o'clock so it gave you a real perspective of just how far it was from the ground... I watched it for about 30 min. And was Just yelling you have to see this your are not going to belive want I'm looking our of the 4 people that had been watching it only one looked back at it and could find it in the sky and see it as well.... it was mind blowing just how big this thing was and it looked like it had no lines on it just smooth and round just a giant ring setting there in space was on an not looking at it straight on...Looked for it the next morning before daylight and it was gone….

Posted 2023-07-29

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