NUFORC Sighting 176495

Occurred: 2023-06-28 03:48 Local
Reported: 2023-06-28 03:47 Pacific
Duration: Sighting about 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Fort Clark Springs, Brackettville, TX, USA
Location details: Very low in the sky. Was coming down at a slow and steady pace. Disappeared behind tree line.

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

It was round disc shape and had lights that flashed simultaneously around the edge of the craft in red, yellow, and white.

At 3:48 on the morning of Wednesday June 28, 2023 my partner and I noticed a series of blinking lights in the sky that made a definite form. It was a disc shape craft that was slowly coming down at a steady pace. The lights seemed to be flashing around the center or edge of the craft. The lights made it appear to be spinning. They were red, yellow, and white lights but on video the only lights visible were red and a few white. There were more lights that appeared to the naked eye that ran the whole length of the craft. As is slowly made its decent, my partner and I lost visual as it disappeared behind the tree line. There was no sound at all. Not even 5 seconds after losing visual the security for Fort Clark Springs and the local Kinney County Sheriff were headed down the road and passed us, straight to the direction of the craft. There was no further sighting or any other activity from law officials.

Posted 2023-07-10

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