NUFORC Sighting 176343

Occurred: 2010-06-15 13:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-06-18 19:50 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Rye, NH, USA
Location details: Wallis Sands State Beach

Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Tan or grey Vertical cylinder

This took place I believe at the Wallace Sands state park beach. The short version: a grey or tan cylindrical craft came from the northwest over the houses, it hovered over the beach near where I was for several seconds, then took off south east staying in line with the beach. The detailed version: My memory isn’t so great on when exactly this happened. I would say ‘give or take’ 2-4 yrs from the date I stated, and I have no idea the month but it was ‘beach weather’ in NH so June- early Sept. I do recall was early afternoon because we were going to have a late lunch. I was on the grass by the parking lot and the snack bar. I was with my mother, we were going to eat at the picnic tables. I believe she was either going to the bathrooms or getting something out of the car. The vehicle came from the northwest over the houses and hovered over the beach. Initially I thought it was some kind of drone. Specifically the Honeywell Tarantula Hawk military drone, but the shape did not quite seem the same. The only reason I even knew about that particular drone was from a video game, otherwise I may have been more suspicious that it was another type of craft (sooner). This object was grey or tan and a vertical barrel shape, it seemed to bulge slightly near the middle. It didn’t have a perfectly smooth body, it had indents and such, which is partly the reason I initially assumed it was a drone. The height I initially thought was ~200-300’. If it was indeed the T-Hawk drone, I would’ve been able to hear it. There was no sound, and after recounting it many times I now believe it was much higher than I had assumed. The reason I think this is the kind of an almost haze which you may see on jets that are high, especially military. That’s why I couldn’t quite tell the color of it.

While it was hovering, not quite overhead I was(at that time I was still thinking it was a drone), I ran around in circles on the grass about six or seven times, waving at it. I thought that if the person flying it sees me, they might think it was funny. After it hovered for maybe 5 seconds, it took off down the beach at a pretty quick speed. Not anything like the 4000 mph of some reports of uaps but also much faster than the T-Hawks approx 45mph speed. If I had to guess the speed, I’d compare to a vehicle on the ground, which would have to be moving well over 150mph. And the time it took to go from just hovering to full speed(or what I observed as full speed)was nearly instant which really caught my attention. I couldn’t imagine how an aircraft of that shape could move like that. It didn’t rotate horizontally or have wings or nay kind of visible engines. The speed and the shape of it made me think it must be some other kind of military vehicle or perhaps a high end civilian or weather reporting/related drone. At the time I was just getting into drones(or rc quadcopters to be more specific) so I knew there was some new tech becoming available. But after a few years of recounting this, I’m fairly certain it was not any kind of drone unless it was and still is a top secret craft. When I’ve asked my mother about it years later she says she recalls me running in circles on the grass that day but she said she doesn’t remember the drone or any craft in the sky. I really wish I had written it down in better detail when it happened or better yet, captured it on video.

Posted 2023-07-10

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