NUFORC Sighting 176128

Occurred: 2002-06-05 22:00 Local
Reported: 2023-06-07 22:50 Pacific
Duration: 30 - 45 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Encinitas, CA, USA
Location details: Intersection of Neptune Ave & Roseta St Encinitas California (approx 278 Roseta St 92024

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Changed Colo

A massive 2 football fields sized low flying UFO slowly & silently sailed over us & out over the ocean as we were taking a walk

My unidentified flying object experience:

On a night in 2002, my boyfriend and I were walking from our apartment on Florita Avenue Encinitas California to Stone Steps beach overlook on the ocean bluff frontage street of Neptune Avenue in Encinitas. It was approximately 10 pm. We were at the intersection of Roseta Street which dead ends at the ocean bluff) We often walked to either Roseta street bluff overlook or Stone Steps overlook a lot of nights - to get out of the house and talk a walk and look at the moon out over the ocean.

On this night, as we got to Roseta Street, we heard a bird squawk very loudly overhead. It’s unusual to hear a bird at night … and it startled us. We both looked up … and saw the UFO and we were astonished.

I said to him: "Do you see that?!" He answered "yes" and we watched as it passed over our heads and we turned to follow it and watched its path out over the ocean. When we arrived home a short while later, he sketched it on the chalkboard in his studio and it was identical to what I saw. The UFO was more rectangular than square; irregular shaped, meaning not a perfect rectangle because there were angles cut in. It had identical left and right sides with 2 sections cut in (but not winglike!) and the front was angled about 35 degrees on both sides. It was huge! Like 2 football fields size huge -from our point of view, being directly underneath it and it low enough to see some of its details as it seemed to silently slowly smoothly sail right over us! NO lights - NO engine sound.

It was black like the night sky and lit only by the city lights/ street lights/ moonlight. It was very low but when it went under a cloud, it seemed to change color to match the cloud for a split second, then back to black. It was completely silent, but when it passed over us, we could hear the sound of air movement. It was traveling slow enough and low enough to make out the shape and its overwhelming size!

We were walking south to north on Neptune and it came over us from inland - flying in a south east to north west flight pattern so it went over our heads diagonally out over the ocean. We quickly walked the few feet to the dead end at Rosetta St and watched out over the bluff until we could no longer see it as it flew northwest out over the ocean.

We waited a couple of years before we told anyone about it. I would be interested to know if anyone else reported anything similar in that time frame. I am willing to speak with someone about it, but would not like by full name or my personal address to be released publicly.

Posted 2023-07-10

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