NUFORC Sighting 175802

Occurred: 2023-05-09 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-05-15 19:58 Pacific
Duration: About less than 10 secs.
No of observers: 1

Location: Austin, TX, USA
Location details: Apartment complex balcony, Anderson Mill

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Barely visible rectangle craft shoots through the sky as I am stargazing, movement catches my attention as it rocks strangely, cloaks.

I sit on my balcony every night. This night I am staring at a star and I see movement to the left of the sky. I look at it, and it continues to shoot past my line of vision. I track it with my eyes, it’s going fast and it looks like it’s not trying to be seen but failing to do so in this short time. The craft looked like an almost flat rectangle, it may have had some type of circular lights at the bottom I’m not 100% sure if these were specifically “lights”. It rocks weirdly and then disappears as I am still looking at it. It was as if it was trying to blend in the entire time, but I ended up seeing it anyway! I really wish it would’ve stayed longer so I could have gotten some evidence, I literally had my phone in my hand listening to music. It’s all I can think about these days and I need to tell someone and not sound crazy, so I hope this information helps with something, anything. I just need to tell someone.

Posted 2023-05-19

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