NUFORC Sighting 174640

Occurred: 2019-03-03 17:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-02-18 15:17 Pacific
Duration: 2seconds or less
No of observers: 1

Location: Pleasanton Texas, TX, USA
Location details: Country road north of Pleasanton texas, Bruce Road.

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects

Disk shaped object flew over suv and caused it to swerve and move side to side

This is what was reported to me by my sister…(several months after it happened) She and her husband were driving home after shopping at Pleasanton Tx stores. She saw a grayish cigar shaped object low over the tree line. Immediately the SUV was shaken side to side.
The county road was paved and dry. Not windy weather. Dry road. Evening about 4 to 5 pm.

Her husband noticed the inability to control the suv for a second. He exclaimed “woah what was that” my sister explained what she saw for a split second second the object that flew low over the suv. Yhey we’re not concerned,but she related to me her brother and wondered what I though. Her husband did not see it. She saw it as it flashed across the suv passenger side to driver side. I thought it might be a. Ufo, that had a magnetic field associated with it. But I was not really concerned as they were not concerned. She described this some months after it happened.

They were never concerned. They lived isolated,on acerage they owned. This was a one time occurrence.

I never asked any more specifics amd she was not concerned.

Posted 2023-03-06

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