NUFORC Sighting 166978

Occurred: 2022-02-07 19:45 Local
Reported: 2022-02-10 08:28 Pacific
Duration: 2 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Somerset, KY, USA
Location details: Winding Ridge. Oak hill road area.

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

I see a bright orange light move across the sky from north to south. Then followed by a low helicopter and plane leaving the area.

I was driving home after grabbing food taking a back road. I look up at saw a low hovering helicopter above my neighborhood and a plane fly right under it, to close to be a student pilot night flying. Plane does a loop of my neighborhood then flies towards down town. Helicopter is still hovering so I look for anything else in the sky. I see a pretty high up light, looks like a star, but it’s very plainly bright orange. I moved from the Nancy area, north, to the Burnside area of the sky, south. Immediately after I saw this the helicopter, still low altitude, fly towards Burnside. I get home and look up for anything else and the plane flew overhead. At such a low altitude still I could see that is was a student plane. Just a plane that someone who is learning to fly would use. A few other weird things the past nights leading up to this.

Posted 2022-03-04

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