NUFORC Sighting 166354

Occurred: 2019-04-20 03:21 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2022-01-20 17:03 Pacific
Duration: 10 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Covington, LA, USA
Location details: In a field above the trees behind the barn at 21445 Oswald Street Covington, La

Shape: Cigar

I saw s rectangular object rounded on the ends hovering above the trees

I saw a huge Metallic object about 2,000 ft long and 200 ft high in the shape of a football clear skies and daylight outside. This is the only object that I found hard to believe. I was thinking this will have to be on the 10 o'clock news but nothing happened. The object was very still and no sound, I thought later that it must have been stealth. It appeared to be about 10 miles away.

Posted 2022-03-04

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