NUFORC Sighting 162150

Occurred: 2019-09-10 20:00 Local
Reported: 2021-02-20 09:07 Pacific
No of observers: 3

Location: Georgetown, IN, USA

Shape: Sphere

3 witnesses were bird watching through binoculars, observed a round, dark object that was stationary then went vertical

3 witnesses were bird watching and, through binoculars, happened to observe a round, dark object that was stationary in the evening sky. It remained at a lower altitude long enough for individual 1 to show individual 2 what he had seen. Individual 2 went to get individual 3 who had a telephoto camera. By the time individual 3 was able to get their camera, the object had ascended, directly upward, as observed by individual 1 who had continued to observe the object. At a very high altitude a gleam could be observed at the place the object had ascended to. It may have been a star or the object reflecting light from the setting sun. Unfortunately, due to the later altitude and the fact that individuals 1 and 2 did not have suitable cameras, no documentation took place.

Posted 2021-03-02

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