NUFORC Sighting 161254

Occurred: 1978-12-21 02:30 Local
Reported: 2020-12-20 16:05 Pacific
Duration: 15min
No of observers: 1

Location: Outside of El Paso, TX, USA

Shape: Other

I was coming to El Paso Texas from Hobbs New Mexico, I was on Carlsbad highway entering the Guadalupe mountains when I saw a huge light floating in the air, it had to of been the size of a Wal Mart, as I got closer to it I noticed that the mountain wasn’t being lite up. As I was going around the next curve that would of put me right under the light their was a police roadblock, I asked what was going on and the officer said nothing just a standard license check, what made this so weird is their are signs telling people to bring water because you might not see another car for hours, and that night I hadn’t seen a car in over a hour. I told my brother-in-law who was a State Trooper, he just said I was seeing things. I know what I saw and I’m 63 now and I can still remember it as if it was yesterday. Getting back to what happened, the officer took my license and held me up for about 15 to 20 minutes and the light was gone when I went around the curve, and their! wasn’t any report of a license check either. I was just wondering has anyone else seen anything like this?

Posted 2020-12-23

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