NUFORC Sighting 159673

Occurred: 2007-08-20 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2020-09-29 18:07 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Stormstown, PA, USA

Shape: Diamond

August 2007 UFO outside of State College Pennsylvania Two Men witness a solid orange flat diamond shaped object about 25 feet across hovering 35 to 50 feet off of the ground in a field outside their home at around 120 yards away, the ufo had no windows or any other outside surface features of any kind other than defined shape and color.

One of the witness was viewing the object from inside of the house while the other ran outside to see it , it hovered in the sky for about two minutes making no sound then the ufo shrunk to nothing and disappeared the whole event lasted around three minutes from first noticing the ufo and when it was gone.

It was a very clear evening no clouds (Witness statement below) I remember the details were simple: fall (August), at the house on Stoney Pointe Drive, near Stormstown outside of State College, looking at the horizon towards the city skyline, an orange triangular shaped object was seen, it turned toward the city, and faded as it was observed to disappear in the sky. We both saw it clearly. It was there, and was gone minutes later as we both scrambled to get into a better viewing location outside of the house. It was seen through the house window, front facing north west (?).

Posted 2020-11-05

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