NUFORC Sighting 148970

Occurred: 2010-09-12 22:30 Local
Reported: 2019-09-19 13:33 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Naylor, GA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Good afternoon, just wanted to share an experience I had in 2010 around 10:30pm. First of all I think its important to notate that I lived close to moody airforce base. While sitting on the front steps I heard what sounded like multiple helicopters which isnt unusual for that area, but soon after hearing the helicopters I noticed several lights in the shape of a triangle which I first thought was just a tight formation of the helicopters but as it got closer I noticed the lights were being escorted by helicopters to the left and right of the triangular craft. It was flying at low altitude and did not seem to emit any sound whatsoever. It was actually very impressive as it flew directly overhead at a speed that was uncomprehendable to keep any craft in the air without any propulsion system that couldn't be heard.

Posted 2019-09-19

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