NUFORC Sighting 131471

Occurred: 2016-11-26 22:00 Local
Reported: 2016-11-26 19:41 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Davenport, FL, USA

Shape: Circle

Slow fireball with no tail floating over Central Florida sky.

Around 10:00 PM my friend was leaving my house when he saw a bright object floating in the sky. He yelled for me and I walked outside to see a round object that seemed to be on fire. The object made no sound. It had no tail. It didn’t seem to be very far up in the sky but somewhat far. It looked like it was floating across the sky at a medium speed. It was going in a straight line towards the west. We watched it until it disappeared behind houses out of our view.

About 10 minutes after seeing the first object, we were watching the sky still and saw another one that looked the same and was traveling at the same speed. The second one was farther from where we saw the first one. It was traveling in the same direction however. We waiting outside for 20 minutes and saw nothing more.

Posted 2016-12-05

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