NUFORC Sighting 127335

Occurred: 2016-05-07 14:00 Local
Reported: 2016-05-15 15:07 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 3

Location: Shreveport, LA, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Multiple, moving lights, changing from super bright to shiny silver

Multiple, moving lights, changing from super bright white to shiny silver.

While driving down the inner state I noticed multiple bright silver objects. I thought it was a flock of birds at first but it stayed in the same circular area and pattern, it kept changing from bright white to shiny silver.

I pointed it out to my wife and 17 yr old. They saw it as well, and they too said birds at first but it was not like any bird formation we’d ever seen. We have pelicans and seagulls that frequent the area but they are always seen over the lakes. This was inner city, no water around.

As we drove away from that location my 17 yr old was still watching this weird occurrence that stayed over the same location.

Posted 2016-05-20

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