NUFORC Sighting 126600

Occurred: 2016-03-26 23:30 Local
Reported: 2016-03-28 23:31 Pacific
Duration: 01:30
No of observers: 12

Location: Pelican, AK, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Electrical or magnetic effects

Multiple objects with multiple colors did respond to our attempt to signal with our lights.

I work at the bar in town and when me and my wife went outside to go home I smelled something burning. We went and looked for the source couldn't Fidel the source. Turned around and a flash that was just over the houses in town. Then the light went away and got smaller. We walked home which was close and could still see it.

Stood out on the porch and watched it come back towards us. It then looked like 5 other red dots around the main body of light, which then shot of in different directions, and disappeared.

Then it shot off white balls of light that kept moving fast in a lower elevation, down the Inlet and over the house. Several people then showed up with our son. We then called next door. That family came out and watched.

I flipped the porch light off and on and the main ball reacted. Then the neighbor brought out a high powered flash light and went down to the beach and waved it around. The main ball of light definitely moved toward him and stopped and backed up and moved closer again, like it hesitated. It went a great distance.

It then retreated and finely left.

Posted 2016-04-01

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