NUFORC Sighting 108888

Occurred: 2014-04-24 04:30 Local
Reported: 2014-04-24 02:50 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds

Location: Louisburg, NC, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

I saw a star moving north to south through the Little Dipper handle, and then disappeared, but then a second star chasing it.

I was outside drinking a cup of coffee, and looking at the stars 4:30 in the morning. I noticed an airplane flying northeast, and then a star appeared behind it moving north to south.

The airplane and the star were located in the handle of the Little Dipper, and the moving star moved from the part of the handle closet to the pan towards the end of the handle, but to the east in parallel.

It was the same size as the stars in the Little Dipper.

The star was moving faster than the airplane, but not streaking across the sky.

It moved north to south for approximately 20 seconds then disappeared.

A second later I saw another star appear to the east of the first star, but this one had a yellowish color whereas the first star was white.

It seems to be chasing the white star then it too vanished after about 5 seconds.

Posted 2014-04-24

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