NUFORC Sighting 106510

Occurred: 2014-01-20 16:40 Local
Reported: 2014-01-20 18:28 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: El Cajon, CA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby

two friends in daytime view multiple statiopnary lights for more than 15 min in El Cajon, Califoria.

I was on friends large property in El Cajon when I saw a friend of mine in the back yard staring up into a clear blue cloudless sky. I asked "Yo, Don what are you trippin on?" He replied that he was watching a plane pass up in the sky when he noticed a fixed object (not moving) in the background of passing plane.

I at first thought ok your full of crap but I will look. As my eyes stared and adjusted to the daylight it took a moment aprox. 2-3min before sure enough plain as day with the naked eye I could see what to me looked like maybe a high altitude weather ballon or possibly a planet being able to be viewed during the day if that where possible.

For at least 5 min I stared at the said object with my friend. He asked if I had binoculars handy and I did. I then walked to my trailer and was able to zoom into the object for a better look, what I saw I can only say I dont know what it was but what I thought would be a white object was actually one very bright light then turning to two.

It in my estimate was higher than any commercial airliner and seemed to not move except at one point it seeemed to drop closer to us. What was even more bizarre was that higher above the said object there to me appeared to be a circular shadow. We viewed the primary object plain as day for aprox 15-20 min.

When the experience was near over my friend was looking through the binoculars and I with the naked eye. To me in a fraction of a second it vanished. Now although the circular shadow was not visible to the naked eye I did see it faintly before the light was gone. Like I said, to me looked it had the appearance of a far distant planet.

I did not think at all what I saw was light coming from something. As I viewed the one light became two lights. Looking through binoculars my friend saw the said object split into three and vanished I can say I for one did not see that.

It was Jan. 20th 2014 at 4:43pm. El Cajon, California


Dear Mr. Davenport, Sorry it has taken me a bit to get back to you, consequently I have been a bit busy lately. As for your question I can say in great confidence that over 17 years as a sport boat captain I know good and bad quality when it comes to binoculars I had a pair of expensive Minolta binoculars I used that day with a special rubber end cover that blocks out even the smallest amount of light that may enter through the sides when viewing. The reason I know the light changed from one to two then three was to me it looked to be pivoting or slowly spinning around in it's stationary spot. So what my grasp of it is that whatever it was it was rotating in a way that aloud me to see it like a car rounding a turn and you see the first headlight and as it completes the turn the second headlight comes into your view. I hope this analogy helps you a bit. Like I mentioned before I have seen a lot of stuff in my time yet I can't for the life of me explain exactly what it was. I do appreciate you listening since nobody else does. I am an upstanding citizen with a perfect driving record I have never been known to be a fabricator of crazy stories I look at everything with an unbiased mind my reputation with friends is my honesty and trust I have built with many. I look forward to any questions or insight you may have for me. Thank you again and have a great day.


Posted 2014-01-24

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