NUFORC Sighting 103684

Occurred: 2013-10-25 21:40 Local
Reported: 2013-10-25 19:43 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Centerville, OH, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects

75+ red dots in the sky over Dayton, Ohio

Me and my fiancee were coming out of Kroger foods(sugar creek twp.) and started walking to the car. To the north (Dayton, OH and WPAFB) direction, I first noticed the red lights. My fiancee noticed after I pointed them out. There were well over 75 red, slow moving somewhat flickering balls moving across the sky. They were in no real formation however they did not break the formation they were in what was a scattered but still close to each other group.

The sky was very clear but there are plenty of strip malls, hospitals, restaurants etc in the area so only the brightest stars illuminate.

I tried desperately to catch it on a camera phone pic however it was unable to be captured. I have the pics saved in my phone and will try to find a way to enhance.

This may have nothing to do with the situation but as this went on I made a phone call to report to a family member. The phone I was using started to click (a noise it has NEVER done before) while I was on the phone and the objects were still in view. It has not done that since I left the parking lot.

Posted 2013-11-11

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