NUFORC Sighting 87643

Occurred: 2012-03-13 07:14 Local
Reported: 2012-03-13 13:58 Pacific
Duration: 15 Min
No of observers: 2

Location: Madera/Fresno, CA, USA

Shape: Triangle

One solid black, upside down triangle. No lights, moving very slowly over Hwy 41. Morphed.

Right before I left for school one solid black, upside down triangle was flying in the sky. There looked like there was a gap between the widest part (below the top edge), which was only visible through binoculars. It had no lights and was moving very slowly over the fields in between Madera and Highway 41 area.

It seemed to morph, or maybe it just turned to the side, but it then looked tall, and very skinny with almost a ball shape on top like a head.

Was visible for 15 minutes. Moved very slowly west (coming towards my location) then changed to north, descended much more quickly and disappeared below my visual site line.

Posted 2012-03-13

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