NUFORC Sighting 84047

Occurred: 2011-09-20 22:00 Local
Reported: 2011-09-20 20:30 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour +
No of observers: 4

Location: Micco, FL, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects

Red lights seen by four over Micco, FL

While going out to our back porch area for a cigarette, my uncle noticed two strange red lights, one almost on top of the other, in the sky. After staring at them for a few minutes, he opened the door and called myself and my cousin out to view said lights. As my cousin and I came out to view the object, a third light began to appear intermittently. We continued to stare for almost 45 minutes, only going back inside to quickly search for a number to call to report, for a video camera, and for our phones.

Additionally, we called my aunt who was able to see it, a just under five miles away.

Upon calling the UFO Reporting Center, we quickly received a call back directing us to contact our local news. As my uncle and cousin attempted to contact somebody, I quickly ducked out to my garage to locate my telescope. When I returned, my uncle informed me that one of the lights seemed to drop from the sky, at which time a new and different light began to appear to the right of the bottom light, with the same third light still blinking. Almost immediately after the light appeared to fall, the object began to sway back and forth, while dipping rapidly with low buzzing noise.

When my uncle and I tried to use a flashlight as a backlight for my telescope to work, it seemed to stop working when pointed toward the object in the sky, yet it still worked when pointed in all other directions. All cell phone cameras and my digital camcorder were also unable to pick up the object.

When we finally gave up staring for the night, the object seemed to be standing still again.

Living in an area with a typically busy airspace, and having been here for over ten years, I feel quite confident in saying that this is definitely not one of the airplanes or helicopters that we are used to seeing over our house at night.

Posted 2011-10-10

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