NUFORC Sighting 79783

Occurred: 2011-01-20 17:30 Local
Reported: 2011-01-20 17:24 Pacific
Duration: <1 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Tegucigalpa (Honduras), , Honduras

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Black object with golden reflection moving straight but later rotating in the sky

My boyfriend and I were laying on my front lawn, just watching the sky and the sun (which was a beautiful golden color before sunset), when a black object appeared suddenly, very high in the sky. It was black and elongated, and despite its altitude, it looked pretty big. It first started moving in a linear motion, but then it rotated in circles showing a golden, shiny reflection and continued it's linear motion but every 3 or so seconds, it rotated again showing it's golden light. It went away in a straight direction, and disappeared into the horizon very quickly, leaving no marks or sound behind. The whole sighting was less than a minute long.

Posted 2011-01-31

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