NUFORC Sighting 76486

Occurred: 2010-07-12 23:00 Local
Reported: 2010-07-12 21:42 Pacific
Duration: 7-12 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: San Angelo, TX, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Ultra bright ball of light flying very low over texas.

Second story of apartment complex. Looking south east as high as you can possibly see thick cloud coverage no stars in sight. No distractions to my pervisional vision as far as street or car lights, could I confuse this sighting with an image of an ultra bright white ball falling downwards at great speed than any air craft made. Zig zagging from left to right and kept falling until out of my sight.

I saw a ultra brigtht light seconds after being called outside, falling at an incredible speed downwards while zig zagging from left to right. The object kept falling until it was out of my sight.

Posted 2010-07-19

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