NUFORC Sighting 75204

Occurred: 2010-04-26 00:00 Local
Reported: 2010-04-26 22:12 Pacific
Duration: 30 Min
No of observers: 0

Location: Tallahassee, FL, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object

Tallahassee Sighting

I went out to smoke a cigarette when I saw 2 lights moving in the sky to the southeast of Tallahassee. I paid more attention when I saw them fly horizontally and go vertical, one chasing the other. They were moving so fast I thought they were spot lights or my imagination.

I went back in my work and came back out 15 min later for another smoke and to leave when I looked over and the 2 lights were still chasing each other but where a lot closer. I stood there and I saw 2 bright spheres flying at really high speeds all over the sky. This continued for another 15 min when they started to slow down.

I wasn’t going to report this until I saw 5 more spheres appear, like they where there the whole time but didn’t have lights on. Six formed a V formation and one was to the north of the V but behind the leader of the V. They flew off at extremely high speeds to the northeast until I couldn’t see them anymore. The date and time of the sighting was 04/26/10 at 23:45 to 04/27/10 at 0:15.

Posted 2010-05-12

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