NUFORC Sighting 72742

Occurred: 2009-09-08 20:15 Local
Reported: 2009-10-05 19:58 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Oxford, MI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Bright, starlike, round object, rising from eastern horizon. Stopped moved left and right. Became brighter. "Winked out",

While relaxing and sitting on the outside rear deck of our home, the sun was setting due west, I was looking towards the eastern horizon. The sky was clear and I was enjoying the perfect evening and talking with my wife and at that moment I noticed a bright star or I thought was a star, moving very slowly up the eastern horizon. As I continued to track its rise to a viewing angle of just about over our heads, tracking east to west, I tried to fix its position with the top of our table umbrella support to make sure it was not my head movement that was causing me to think it was a false sighting. I wanted to confirm what I was seeing. At that very moment the very bright yellow glow, stopped moving completely and remained very bright.

I confirmed its position again and at the same time it moved from a stopped, motionless position and then moved left of its east to west track by 5 degrees, stopped again, and then moved 5 degrees to the right. Tracking its rise from east to west, stopped over our heads, glowing, then moving north and then south and then moving back to where it’s original stopped position.

At that point the glowing object, very round, got brighter and then it started to dim. At that moment it produced 8 bright lights at its edges, aimed right at us and then "winked out." Absolutely no sound or noise of any kind.

Very, very high altitude. It disappeared completely. This happened within 20 seconds!

I am very familiar with aircraft from our Metropolitan airport and high altitude passenger and private aircraft making their way, over our house, contrails and all, to eastern and western destinations. I travel extensively for business and I was in the USAF. I have never seen anything like this.

There were no other visible aircraft in the area at the time of this event.

I am writing this to find an explanation and maybe someone else will step forward to confirm what my wife and I witnessed.

Posted 2009-12-12

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