NUFORC Sighting 64902

Occurred: 2008-07-31 21:30 Local
Reported: 2008-07-31 22:19 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Mosinee, WI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

5 lights in straight horizontal line that faded out---no noise heard

My Mom and I saw something very weird on our walk. At around 9:15pm on July 31st 2008 over Mosinee, Wisconsin I witnessed a straight horizontal line of 5 yellowish lights. The tops of the perfectly rounds lights seemed to have a little bit of red in them too. They were kind of weak in intensity and just above the tree tops over a potato field about 2 blocks away. I only saw them for about 5 seconds before I grabbed my Mom’s arm to look at them too. As I did that they quickly started to fade out one light at a time from the right to left. She saw that last light sparkling before it disappeared.

We continued on our walk for about 15 minutes and came to a spot where we could see the sky in full view over the potato field. We stopped and looked up towards the south to see if we saw something to explain it. We watched for about 3 minutes. Then all of a sudden to the SW we saw it again, but this time it was really bright and lasted for about 15-20 seconds. And it faded out from right to left again, but faster this time.

It never appeared to be "flying" or moving, just hovered there. It was as high up as a helicopter would fly and about a quarter mile away from us. There was nothing in the path of our view, completely open and clear skies. It was unbelievable!!! We are really interested to see if anyone else saw the same thing. We can’t explain it----like nothing we had EVER seen.

Posted 2008-08-12

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