NUFORC Sighting 58882

Occurred: 2007-09-21 01:50 Local
Reported: 2007-09-22 23:18 Pacific
Duration: 5-6 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Spencerville, OH, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object

Cigar shape with two lights at both ends.

I am a 37 year old service technician and now a former sceptic.

I stepped out on to my back porch to smoke a cigarette before going to bed. After a minute I noticed a pair of lights appearing in the horizon just to my right above my detached garage on the east side of my house. It looked like a low flying plane with its landing lights on at first. I was expecting to hear the sound of a jet or prop engine of some sort but it never made a bit of noise. I was facing due east and it was moving west to slightly northwest overhead. A few seconds later I could tell the two lights were actually much further apart than an airplane and they were positioned at the front and back of whatever it was coming toward me. As it passed closer overhead I could faintly make out a dark shadow of a cigar shape behind the lights. The object then went out of view behind a large maple tree on the northeast corner of the house. I jumped down off the porch and ran to the north side of the house to try and catch sight of it again but it had disappeared.

I stood outside for several more minutes hoping to see it again before going inside and looking at the clock. It was 2:10 am so I must have seen it somewhere around 1:50 am.

Posted 2007-10-08

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