NUFORC Sighting 57952

Occurred: 2007-07-31 19:00 Local
Reported: 2007-08-02 21:39 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Disk

Taking photos of an approaching severe thunderstorm and scud clouds in Phoenix Arizona

Heading east on Thunderbird road between Cave creek rd. and 32nd st. in Phoenix Arizona, I couldn't resist stopping and taking a few photos of an approaching Severe Thunderstorm just east of my location. Off to my left I noticed a disk shaped object moving very erratic from North to South just ahead of the gust front generated by the thunderstorm. I at first thought maybe it was a balloon or other debris but that couldn't be the case because this storm was moving basically to the West directly at me, and very slowly ! So any objects would have been heading straight towards me.

This disk shaped object moving North to South was traveling very slowly, almost as if it were sightseeing. Lightning was very intense just east of my location so that ruled out any helicopters or private planes in the same area. That disk shaped object was much to low as seen in the photo to be commercial airliner, Sky Harbor international airport in Phoenix was almost 25 miles away. Shortly after this photo was taken it traveled slightly more to the south and lifted almost verticle into the scud clouds and never did reappear.

Posted 2007-08-07

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