NUFORC Sighting 53694

Occurred: 2006-11-28 20:00 Local
Reported: 2006-11-29 18:40 Pacific
Duration: 45 min.
No of observers: 2

Location: Sylvania, GA, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object

Symetrical horizontal lights fading in and out to the left and right in sequence, then up down and all around!

8PM was first sighting. One bright light, then it faded, another one appeared to the right and it faded, and the last bright light appeared again to the right all in a straight line. I traveled approximately 4 more miles and I again saw just one bright light in a large cotton field. I drove to my house to get my son just 1/4 mile away, we went back to the field, stopped the car and got out, but the light was gone. I pointed in the exact spot where I saw it for the second time, but it wasn't there. We both began looking around to see if it went somewhere else, but I returned to the same location and there it was again. However, when I said there it is again, my son wasn't looking and missed it. I was very upset because I knew that no one would ever believe what I had seen, so my son agreed to sit on the bumper of my car and wait a few minutes. After about 5 minutes I told him we could leave and turned to get in the car when he said there it is! One light appeared again, but this time whatever it was put on a light show! The bright light in the middle appeared, then one by one 4 lights faded in and out to the left, the 4 lights faded in and out to the right in the same sequence, time, and horizontally. Then bright lights appeared at the top, bottom repeating like a "V" shape. And, within seconds it was gone. It was very close to the ground because we did not have to bend our necks to look up, we just looked straight ahead and watched the show. The only thing that I believe in that I can not see is's very hard to convince me otherwise. However, I will never laugh or call anyone stupid again that says they've had an encounter. What my son and I saw was unexplainable. It definately was not an airplane, hot air balloon, weather balloon, flares of any kind...I'm still in shock and really can't forget it.

Posted 2006-12-07

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