NUFORC Sighting 52651

Occurred: 2006-09-25 20:40 Local
Reported: 2006-09-26 21:56 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Rogers, MN, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

"Star" observed moving erratically through the evening sky

Last night, at approximately 8:35 PM, I went outside to have a cigarette, and I love the night sky, so I was looking up at the stars, and I noticed one "star" in particular that appeared to be moving rapidly across the sky. I kept my eye on it as I tried to come up with a rational explanation for what it could be, but the longer I watched it, the more erratic it's movements became. It would stop, change directions, hover, and it did appear to move at different speeds. At one point, it disappeared behind a cloud, but it reappeared momentarily. It was either too small or too far away for me to actually be able to tell what it was, like I said, I thought it was just a star until it started moving. I did notice what appeared to be an airplane about 3 minutes into the sighting, although it seemed to be traveling in the opposite direction (NNW) and at a lower altitude. The "star" was last seen traveling ESE.

Posted 2006-10-30

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