NUFORC Sighting 44101

Occurred: 2005-05-20 02:53 Local
Reported: 2005-05-24 10:59 Pacific
Duration: 60 sec.
No of observers: 1

Location: Fergus Falls, MN, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Woman reports witnessing a "bright red sphere" in the southern sky, viewed from her home.

Telephoned Report: A woman called from Fergus Falls, MN, to report that she had witnessed the same object that had been reported in a May 21, 2005, article by the Fergus Falls Daily Record.

The woman reported that at 02:53 hrs. (local) on Friday morning, May 20, 2005, she had witnessed from here home in Fergus Falls a "bright red sphere" in the southern sky. She reported that the light was "solid, not blinking," and that it was moving to the west, i.e. from her left to right.

She also stated that she had taken a photograph of the object, and volunteered that her location was "just three blocks from the other witness." ((


The woman who submitted this report is known to the original witness, who reported having seen at 03:00 hrs. a triangular object, imbedded in orange light, and covered with tiny, distinct orange lights on its surface.

Given that the female witness has not submitted a written report, and given that neither NUFORC, nor any of the residents in Fergus Falls, has seen her alleged photograph, we have to consider whether this report may be a hoax, submitted by a "wannabe" witness, responding to the newspaper article.

We are saddened by this situation, given the convincing nature of the report from the first witness, but we feel duty-bound to share this fact with those who may read all the reports about the alleged event over Fergus Falls. PD))

Posted 2005-05-24

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