NUFORC Sighting 39335

Occurred: 2004-09-16 20:10 Local
Reported: 2004-09-17 08:38 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes

Location: Marysville, WA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

low flying unfamiliar object just ahead in the sky

Traveling South bound on 67th Ave (Armar Rd.) just at 132nd St NE. I noticed a set of white lights (3 to be exact) in the sky, just to the south east of where I was. I was on the cell phone speaking to a friend at the time, and kept her on the phone. I described everything to her as I saw it occur.

Watching the road and glancing at it, I was coming closer to it. I noticed that it was stationary over a little farm house next to the road. This is a very dark area at night. And few cars travel it in the night time hours. I only noticed 2 other vehicles in my 9 minute drive from Arlington. Where I had been visiting my sister and Mother for Tea.

Still on the phone with my friend, I soon was pretty much coming up underneath of this object. The color was very dark, a green, brown, possibly black color. I tried looking to get more detail, but didnt want to run off this country road. However I noticed it had wings of a sort, but not positioned like any other plane I had seen before. And it was very disturbing that it had absolutely no sound at all. Scared me...nothing like I have seen go figure? This object was near enough to the ground, I should have seen landing gear if this were a plane..


In answer to your question, The sighting was at approximately 8:10 PM.


Posted 2004-09-29

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