NUFORC Sighting 36319

Occurred: 2004-04-08 18:00 Local
Reported: 2004-04-13 20:15 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Logansport, IN, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

it was a disc or saucer shaped object with rows of lights

My husband and i along with my oldest daughter was leaving my in-laws lane two miles north of logansport when i noticed lights above a neighbor's trees around their house. There was a black and grey disc or saucer shaped object with rows of lights for about 5 or 6 seconds then the lights shut off like someone flipped a switch and the object disappeared. My 12 year-old daughter saw the same thing and my husband only saw a glare of lights on the truck and ground. He could not see it due to the position of the object.


We have spoken with this witness, and with her husband, and they both seem to us to be quite sincere and credible. PD

Posted 2004-04-27

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