NUFORC Sighting 28219

Occurred: 2002-05-18 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-03-20 00:21 Pacific
Duration: 20+ minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Oley Valley, PA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Four people observe three sets of lights at close quarters

Myself and three of my friends were nearby to my mother's house, which is located in a secluded, wooded, mountainous area. There is a nearby house closer to the base of the mountain, approximately a quarter mile from my mother's home. Other than that, the nearest house is about one mile away. The only access to this area is via one road, which passes by an abandoned quarry. We were hiking throughout the day, and as early evening approched we made a campfire at the end of the quarry, where the heavily wooded area begins, roughly two-thirds of a mile from the nearest paved road. We stayed there until it was all but completely dark, and headed back to my mother's home where my Jeep was parked. The road we walked on splits in two at this area, the left road going to the lower neighbor's house (a summer home for a married couple who are teachers) and the right fork leading to my moher's home. As we travelled to my mother's home one of us spotted a bright light moving through the trees near the house below us. It moved very erratically, swooping up and down, left and right, etc. We all began to look at the light and talk about what it could be, all the while moving closer to my mother's home. As we neared the house the light turned its attention towards us. It looked like a set of car headlights, only they were very bright and emitted no beam. The light was intensely bright but was easy on the eyes. The light maintained an elevation equal to ours, and the distance the light was off the ground is about thirty feet or so. This ruled out most things we could name it as being, and the fact that it made no noise and created no wind was beginning to intriugue us. We approched the house and stood in front of it, the light following and "watching" us the entire time. When we stood still, we noticed a second set of lights that appeared to the right of the first. At this time I noticed a third set of lights above the trees to my right, moving up and down the mountainside, appearing occasionally. Our attention was most! ly focus ed on the two sets of lights in front of us, "inside" a cluster of trees, about thirty feet ahead of us, if not closer. The lights hovered in place, but moved in an erratic pattern staying about two to three feet in one spot. It looked like it was peering from person to person, checking us out. We all had the feeling that this was unusually strange. The lights had a mesh-like covering. It was like looking at a huge set of diamonds that glowed brightly, mostly with a yellowish-white color. The lights began to move between the trees and appeared to be moving closer, bobbing left and right, but they were moving closer so slowly that you wouldn'y notice them getting closer unless you stared at them. At this time we decided to move up to the deck surrounding the house, and I went into the house to check what time it was. It was 9PM. I went outside onto the deck and joined my friends, who were still watching the lights intently. We continued to watch the lights for about fifteen minutes. All of a sudden, the set of lights on the right shut off, as quick as a light switch. About a second later the set on the left shut off, but they shut off in two stages. This first stage decreased the brightness to about half, then they shut off completely. They also made a sound, they only sound they made that we heard, a sound similar to shutting off a circuit breaker switch. Before shutting off the left side lights angled slightly, the right-most lens being higher than the left. At that moment I said, "If anyone wants to leave, just say the word". Two of my friends said yes, and I agreed. We walked quickly to the rear of the house, got into the Jeep, and as I put the key into the ignition I thought about people not being able to start a vehilce when nearby to something like this. Thankfully, it started and I turned on the lights, checked the time, which was 9:20PM, and began to drive slowly out the road. We all peered around the corner of the house, and one of us saw a set of lights streak into the sky straight up, at an in! credible rate of speed. I drove to the nearest public place, which was a retaraunt about two miles away. We got out, looked around at the tree line in the distance, and decided that we were going home to discuss it further. The following day one of my friends and I returned with cameras in hand, but found no trace of what we saw. The trees looked unharmed, there was no disturbance to the forest floor, and everything looked as it should. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about what I saw. We were all pretty freaked out about it at first, but I plan to spend more time this spring and summer up there...I hope to get some answers. My viewpoint on life and reality itself is now changed, and I need closure of some kind. I know that at least two of us will search for answers. Wish us luck.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-03-21

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