NUFORC Sighting 17664

Occurred: 2001-04-28 13:00 Local
Reported: 2001-05-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: apx. 10 secs
No of observers: 0

Location: New York City (Brooklyn), NY, USA

Shape: Oval

Sighted two craft oval in shape and white in color on two separate occasions. First was at apx. 1300 hrs. both objects wre traveling side by side. One was on a steady course, while the other was moving right to left and forward to back. The second sighting was at apx. 1600 hrs. on my roof with binoculars when both identical objects came into my view. They in my sight for apx. 7 secs. and diserpeared to the east. these objects did not have wings, were not birds or ballons. They were nothing I have ever seen in my many years of sky watching.

Posted 2001-08-05

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