NUFORC Reports for Month 199203
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |
Open | 03/22/1992 18:30 | Beaumont/Sour Lake | TX | USA | Unknown | It was a huge craft with several lights rotating on and off in a circle manner located under the craft. | 02/09/2002 | ||
Open | 03/28/1992 20:00 | Roshnee (South Africa) | South Africa | Light | tell me what happened to me ? | 06/13/2002 | |||
Open | 03/05/1992 00:00 | New York City (Bronx) | NY | USA | Fireball | A huge fire ball like a small moon, colors aqua, green, blue..sailed accross with soft wind sound...2:am Bronx NY | 04/10/2004 | ||
Open | 03/15/1992 15:30 | Tampa | FL | USA | Disk | UFO Saucer was seen hovering beyond trees as we were driving towards home and then disappeared. | 06/07/2004 | ||
Open | 03/05/1992 06:45 | Florence | AL | USA | Oval | I dont know if this is a dream or not | 08/21/2005 | ||
Open | 03/01/1992 01:00 | Dallas | TX | USA | Circle | My family and I was woken by a bright florecent blue like light that lit up the entire neighborhood an my sister was quite scared so at | 09/05/2006 | ||
Open | 03/15/1992 19:00 | Boonsboro | MD | USA | Cigar | Approx.3/15/92 an object with lights was hovering at tree level ,silent and no downdraft, over my car, as I parked to observe it. | 07/25/2008 | ||
Open | 03/15/1992 23:00 | Leirfjord (over) (Norway) | Norway | Flash | single flashing light, suddenly hundreds or thousands of flashes, then back to one single | 12/27/2008 | |||
Open | 03/01/1992 19:00 | Lovelock | NV | USA | Light | Huge ball of light traveled behind mountain tops, raised up briefly, accompanied by small colored lights, then left in electric flash. | 09/14/2010 | ||
Open | 03/01/1992 21:30 | Whitewood (Canada) | SK | Canada | Cigar | 2 UFOs over a truck stop. | 01/31/2011 | ||
Open | 03/22/1992 21:30 | Milford | MA | USA | Unknown | Low flying, very bright and flashing (flashed 3X in the time it took to pass) object; very high speed.. ((anonymous report)) | 03/22/2018 | ||
Open | 03/15/1992 15:00 | Hanceville | AL | USA | Disk | Metallic disc on a beautiful sunny afternoon moving at astounding speed | 12/24/2019 | ||
Open | 03/14/1992 10:32 | Selma | AL | USA | Disk | It was like it was watching me. | 10/24/2022 | ||
Open | 03/21/1992 03:00 | Roseburg | OR | USA | Orb | Softball-sized ball of bright greenish-white light flashed on in interior of my family's motel room, then disappeared | 01/30/2025 | ||
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |