NUFORC Reports for Month 195401
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |
Open | 01/15/1954 20:00 | Santa Monica | CT | USA | Light | very bright light zig-zagging fast across the sky, then zoomed straight up | 10/18/2003 | ||
Open | 01/01/1954 00:00 | Brunswick | ME | USA | Unknown | This descripition is second hand from my father. He was a radar operator at Brunswick Navy Air Station from 1954-58. The guys that we | 03/03/2004 | ||
Open | 01/01/1954 01:00 | Lakeland | FL | USA | Disk | Unusual experience in Florida in 1954 | 12/20/2004 | ||
Open | 01/01/1954 22:00 | Sioux City | IA | USA | Circle | 1954 Radar sighting, Air Force base in Iowa - 50,000 - 80,000 feet 1,200-1,800 miles per hour. | 04/15/2005 | ||
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |