NUFORC Reports for Month 194606
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |
Open | 06/01/1946 00:00 | - | USA | Member of 1946 elite secret military crash team describes UFO search, crash scene, and field test on sample | 05/11/2001 | ||||
Open | 06/15/1946 14:00 | Burnaby (Canada) | BC | Canada | Cigar | I was six at the time,My mother and brother saw them as well. They were not moving,just stayed cloce to a cloud after which they starte | 10/28/2004 | ||
Open | 06/30/1946 19:00 | Blairsden | CA | USA | Sphere | Looked up and saw sphere or disk 30-50 feet in diameter which was white or pale green in color. | 12/20/2007 | ||
Open | 06/30/1946 21:00 | Index | WA | USA | Fireball | Greenish fireball flying nearly horizontal and Greyish figure 1-2 Mo. later | 12/26/2008 | ||
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |