NUFORC Reports for Country 'Libya'
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |
Open | 06/15/1956 02:00 | Tripoli (Libya) | Libya | Light | Lights in sky (mars brightness) seen several nights in a row by USAF members at Wheelus AFB. | 05/02/1998 | |||
Open | 10/07/1989 00:00 | Libya | Libya | Circle | A bright red circle shaped object that was moving straight and zigzaging. | 11/11/2003 | |||
Open | 08/30/1997 23:45 | Tripoli (Libya) | Libya | Light | several lightining points seen moving in Tripoli's sky | 08/07/2004 | |||
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |