NUFORC Sighting 180185

Occurred: 2015-01-01 03:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-01-27 21:26 Pacific
Duration: Approx. 10-15 seconds
No of observers: 0 - Military

Location: Westerly, RI, USA
Location details: I was inside and in my living room at my apartment

Shape: Unknown
Color: White light
Estimated Size: Approx. fifty years in width
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: South
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Approx. two hundred yards
Characteristics: Possible abduction

From my living room I was awakened and compelled to look out my window, that's when I saw a large round bright light in the sky.

I went to sleep on my living room couch one night back in 2015. It was around 1 AM when I shut the TV and lights off and a short time later fell asleep. The room was dark and I could see it was a fairly dark night outside from my large living room window. I didn't have any shades or curtains on this window at the time so I had a good view of the sky outside. While asleep I involuntarily was brought to my feet, it was like someone picked me up and stood me on my feet. My vision was completely red, as if I was wearing and looking through a red lense pair of glasses. What happened next is that I felt completely compelled to go to the window and look out into the sky. I noticed my parking lot outside my apartment was completely lit up, like it was daytime. I looked into the sky and saw a large circular white light shining in the direction of my apartment. If I were to estimate the distance between the light and my apartment I would have to say a couple hundred yards. It was almost immediate after seeing this light that my body went into an uncontrollable fit, it was like I was having a seizure. This lasted for approximately 10-15 seconds then it stopped and I fell to the floor. What I noticed was the shadow from the outside light on my living room floor retracted and the light disappeared completely. I went to the window and the parking lot was dark, the circular, or full moon looking source of light was gone. I was completely besides myself and totally confused as to what I just experienced. A day or so later I was seen in our local emergency room where they conducted blood tests on me to see if I had a seizure or stroke, their answer was no. I am a former Police Officer with approx. ten years police experience, a trained observer, who cannot explain what happened that early morning. My hopes are to get some of my questions answered about this experience and to learn if anyone has had a similar experience. One thing to add, I have never told my story to anyone.

Posted 2024-02-15

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