NUFORC Sighting 180179

Occurred: 2022-07-04 21:45 Local
Reported: 2024-01-26 11:28 Pacific
Duration: 75-80 secs
No of observers: 4

Location: King, NC, USA
Location details: The southern corner of a field used for planting soy beans with woods at edges of the field

Shape: Circle
Color: Red
Estimated Size: Approx 45-48 i inches in diameter
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Southeast
Angle of Elevation: 75
Closest Distance: 160 ft
Estimated Speed: 10-15 mph
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Landed, Animals reacted

Bright red light, slow moving, no sound, made recorded video completely disappear, was approx 100ft over the tree tops

Me and my family were headed home at fireworks show on July 4, 2022, we were coming down the rural road my mom lives on, there are 3 large fields towards end of road, I saw the red light hovering right above the ground in the corner of one of the fields, I stopped and cut off the car immediately, grabbed my phone and stared to record (had time to double check as the craft moved slowly) we were fairly close to the craft, we then watched the craft rise slowly but steady from the ground up to approx 100ft over the tree tops, once at that height it then came directly towards my car in a straight line and still slowly, we watched it go over the car and continue over the trees until it was gone, the craft made no sound at all, after the craft was out of sight I went to review the video but it had disappeared as though I never took it, it was not in the trash can and my storage was not full and I know for a fact I recorded it, my mom even saw it recording. It was the brightest red light which was not any identifiable air craft or drone out there, it was a true ufo.

Posted 2024-02-15

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