NUFORC Sighting 180059

Occurred: 2011-04-14 23:20 Local
Reported: 2024-01-16 12:03 Pacific
Duration: About 10 - 12 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Mitchell, IN, USA
Location details: I was walking at the Mitchell track with my father late at night in Mitchell, Lawrence Co., Indiana

Shape: Triangle
Color: Transparent
Estimated Size: I'd say it was about 25 to 50 feet in length.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: It was above me probably about 40 - 70 feet.
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: About 40 - 70 feet maybe, it was above me.
Estimated Speed: About 30 - 50 mph would be my best guess.
Characteristics: Animals reacted

We were walking at the track and I felt something behind me, I looked back and saw it. It was triangular and appeared to be transparent

I do not remember the day but I know it was in April of 2011 because I mentioned it in an email in 2011. I imagine sometime in the middle of the month. My father and I were walking at the public track late at night, we often do this and this night was ordinary but half way around the track I felt what I can only describe as a feeling of being watched or followed and I turned and looked over my shoulder and I seen it approaching. This craft was like nothing I've ever seen before, it was triangular (similar to those stealth jets in use by the military but more triangular with no wings) and appeared to be entirely transparent. I could see stars through it and it was silent but not just silent but it was like it hushed the sound around it. It was unusual. I ducked out of fear and my father noticed me do that and he said "what are you doing" and that's when he saw it going over us. We both watched it go just above the tree line. It was low and didn't appear to be moving very fast but fast enough. The thing that stood out the most was that you could see right through it and dad noticed that too.

We originally figured it to be a government program but now I'm not so sure with all of this UAP and UFO sightings in the news. Regardless I felt I needed to report it, apart from my fear I did not feel threatened by this craft and there was no loss of time or anything. It was just a very unusual sighting and I don't know what sort of craft it was but if it was not from the government it was most likely not of this world. It was smaller than most but it was entirely transparent from what I could see under it. When I say transparent I mean.... I could tell something was there in a triangular shape but you could see through it. It's hard to explain, similar to transparent ships in movies. Something like that I guess would best explain it. I could see the outline but it was transparent through it. I'm not even sure how that would work but it did appear to use some cloaking technology. It's very fascinating in retrospect but I will admit it was very startling at the time. Never seen it again after but I did see a light jumping and bouncing around in the sky one night at the track but I believe it is what is called a "leaping sundog" a natural phenomenon. Never will forget seeing that craft though. My father is my witness and we both remember it well to this day.

Posted 2024-02-15

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