NUFORC Sighting 179996

Occurred: 2024-01-08 01:00 Local
Reported: 2024-01-08 04:02 Pacific
Duration: About 5 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Guelph, ON, Canada

Shape: Triangle
Color: Black
Estimated Size: 40-50 feet
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West
Angle of Elevation: 80
Closest Distance: Less than 100 feet.
Estimated Speed: Stationary, moving s
Characteristics: Lights on object

Possible TR3B black manta sighting.

We seen a Large black triangle, approximately 30 feet high, motionless hovering over neighbours home. 3 reddish/orange lights/ propulsion just before each corner of the object. Similar colour to inside of a lit pumpkin. The light was like something we’ve never seen before and strangely comforting. Like concave light fixture bowl under the craft. No flame or harsh light , just a gentle glow with a hue. Radiant glow.

In total awe of what we were looking at. Object was about the length of the house, equal width and about 5-7 feet tall side wall. Sharp corners. The only features on the craft was the three lights and a pizza shape triangle craft. I know it sounds stereotypical. We don’t believe this is an other worldly creation, we had a strange feeling there was people piloting this craft. Nothing to substantiate that feeling other than how naturally and casually it was sitting over the neighbours house. Silent. Directly under the craft was the house and extremely close by is a large tree. The tree was not affected by any sort of exhaust or wind. If you were standing on the house you could jump and touch the craft. The strange thing here is how long it stayed and how long we watched. It didn’t leave us like most of these stories / sightings. We left it. We ran into the house to grab more people to see the craft while one other person stood outside watching it. Whatever it was. Friend said TR3B black manta spy plane.

After looking at what the internet shows on this TR3B ,, it’s close but not exactly what we seen as far as other illustrations of the object online. There was no Center light. There was no other features other than 3 rather large glowing lamps. I can’t even truly call them lights. When we returned outside the object had moved from where it was and now was over another house. It moved slow and continued this over multiple houses before slowly flying out of sight in an almost dissolving fashion.

Posted 2024-02-15

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