NUFORC Sighting 179815

Occurred: 2024-01-02 18:45 Local
Reported: 2024-01-02 20:24 Pacific
Duration: Approximately 2 to 4 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Newtown, CT, USA
Location details: Saw first from Wasserman way heading northeast to the intersection of

Shape: Light
Color: white, red & blue
Estimated Size: 15 to 30 feet (maybe - unclear)
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Northeast of viewer
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 1,000 to 2,000 feet
Estimated Speed: 0 to 20 miles an hour?
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Elongated white light moving slowly or not at all, which then also displayed a series of colored lights in a line as I got closer.

I was driving tonight (very clear night) with Google map guidance and in a hurry to a destination I was not familiar with. If I had seen a place to pull over, I would have tried to get video or photos on my iPhone.

I could not, so here is the story and a link to the best drawing I can come up with. I was in a hurry to pick up one of my kids, so I made mental notes and made the image about 4 hours later.
Dark but clear night and I was driving northeast. I pretty much always look for UFOs but rarely see them. I saw normal air traffic and some stars, but then I also saw an elongated solid white light – like a white hyphen on a black screen instead of the “period” that a star or distant aircraft normally looks like.

It looked similar to the way stars look to me in the corner of my eye when I need a new glasses prescription, but my prescription is up to date and I could other aircraft that did look like normal dots. This flying hyphen was maybe slightly oblique, maybe more like an illuminated piece of orzo pasta.
It was up and to the left of in my field of vision through the windshield, and it did not appear to be moving (or really slowly?). I watched it for a good 45 to 60 seconds but having to take my eyes back to the road intermittently. I do this all the time whenever I see lights and, eventually, the airplane I am looking at turns and I can see it is moving, etc., and I know exactly what I’m looking at.
So, as usual, I kept assuming I was looking at a normal aircraft at a weird angle — like coming toward me at like a 45-degree angle or something — and that, at any moment, it would turn and I would see its beacon lights, etc. But remained solid white.

Until I approached an intersection where I needed to make a left turn. I was closer to it now, so it was bigger in my field of view. Now, I did finally see blinking or moving lights, but they have the pattern of normal beacon or navigation lights. My car was moving almost the entire time I was watching it. Now, for about two seconds when I had to stop briefly to make the left turn did I get to see this light/object while not in motion myself. Even then, it didn’t appear to be moving to the left or right. I can’t say for sure it was not moving slowly toward or away from me.
Anyway, now, superimposed in front of the illuminated white orzo was a line of colored “period” lights. At least three, maybe as many as five. I didn’t have time to gawk long, let alone count. I was startled to see them at all because until this point, I had seen only one solid white light. I’m not sure if I was now seeing the colored lights now because I was closer or if they just “turned on” at that time. I think maybe the latter but that is a guess.

No idea on distance. Could have been 1,000 feet up and away from me or a mile or two. So that means I have no idea of size. It is a very clear night tonight but it was pitch dark so I couldn’t see anything for scale. My gut tells me it was somewhere between 15 feet and 30 feet long but that’s a huge guess.

There were, red and blue lights in a line They were either strobing quickly at different intervals or possibly moving laterally, like a line of lights on a blimp. I had to keep my eyes on the road and take the left at the intersection, so I can’t tell exactly. I only know they were not static. They were sparkling on/off or moving.

I had to make my left and so I passed and lost sight of it. At this point I only had about 200 feet to my destination. I went into a school parking lot and picked up my daughter, and within about five minutes was back at the same intersection, with my daughter driving and me as a passenger. But I didn’t see it again.

I really tend to think I did not see an extraterrestrial craft tonight, but I did not get drone vibes and I just can’t figure out what I saw. This is my third sighting of something I could not identify in 30 years.


Posted 2024-02-15

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