NUFORC Sighting 179417

Occurred: 2023-11-09 06:45 Local
Reported: 2023-11-17 06:07 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Elkin, NC, USA

Shape: Disk
Color: Silver metallic
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: East
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Half a mile

A silver metallic disc rising vertically from the ground.

On my way to work I saw off to my right a silver metallic disk like craft rising vertically from the ground. It seemed to be half a mile away rising from an open field. I watched it until the nearby woods obscured it. Once I got clear of the trees I stopped to look for it but it was gone. The disc was flat with a slight bulge in the center top. I could see the sunlight reflecting off the outside. I drove back and forth the same way the same time over several days trying to see if it was caused by the rising sun but I never saw anything like it again.

Posted 2023-12-09

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