NUFORC Sighting 179185

Occurred: 2023-10-30 19:52 Local
Reported: 2023-10-30 18:16 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 2 - Aviation Expert

Location: Garden City, KS, USA
Location details: A few miles south west of KGCK airport

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

A light moving southwest to the east then changing to a southeast heading

The light seemed to be flying through a cloud, had a haze around it and seemed to be a directional light changing where it was pointing a couple of times. I am an air traffic controller and the light was verified by a pilot but not seen by our radar services. When the light got south of the airfield it had a seemingly burst of gas the shot out in front of it like a cone shape and then the light slowly faded until it was spotted again about 30 seconds later further to the southeast looking more like a bright star while moving and faded out very rapidly after about 10 seconds and then faded again until it was no longer visible or observed.

Posted 2023-12-09

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